Velog News

184.000 new photovoltaic systems

But the development among homeowners in 2020 has been particularly good. Here, the industry association BSW recorded an increase of 99 percent compared to 2019, i.e. a doubling of demand. This is noteworthy, as there is now an increased opportunity on private house roofs to generate their own solar power - and also to consume it right away themselves!

Significantly increased environmental awareness, a striving of many homeowners for more independence, significantly lower photovoltaic technology prices and an increasing switch to electric mobility are the reasons for the boom among homeowners. Rising electricity prices, as recently reported, will further exacerbate this trend.

The 10 kWp limit has also fallen, creating a bright future for homeowners. Since the new edition of the EEG, it is now also possible to place photovoltaic systems of up to 30 kWp on one's own roof without the so-called "solar tax". This in turn increases the flexibility to simplify other areas of home technology through electrical supply, such as the preparation of hot water or even electric space heating or heating.

You can find out how this works under

your photovoltaic system can do more


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