SolarManager News

Cooperation Solar Manager and my-PV

The aim of a private PV system is to consume as much of the solar energy produced as possible and to maximise the household's degree of self-sufficiency. The solar manager takes over exactly this task. For this purpose, various consumers such as heating, hot water, electric cars, etc. can be connected to the Solar Manager and configured according to their own needs.




can be connected to the Solar Manager for hot water preparation. This offers the following advantages:

  • The Solar Manager continuously controls the AC•THOR and AC ELWA-E so that the available solar energy is optimally used (see range between 6:30 and 8:00 in the figure below).
  • The Solar Manager is easy to install and easy to use on a daily basis. The installation of the Solar Manager with AC•THOR or AC ELWA-E connection takes only a few minutes. The installer has a mobile app at his disposal to guide him through the installation. Within this framework, the IP address of the device is automatically recognized.
  • It is possible to connect several AC•THOR and / or AC ELWA-E and supply them with solar energy according to a defined priority. In addition, prioritisation with other consumers can be configured as required - for example priority 1 battery, priority 2 hot water with AC•THOR, priority 3 heat pump.
  • The hot water temperature is displayed in the Solar Manager platform over time (red line in the figure below).
  • The energy currently consumed per consumer can be displayed at any time using the app, which will be available from autumn 2019. It will also be possible in future to access past data and compare the energy consumption of different consumers. For example, this makes it possible, to display how much solar energy has been used for hot water and how much for charging the car.

Warmwasser 2

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