my-PV GmbH

Error : Hot water securing

If the error 102 message is displayed on the AC•THOR / AC•THOR 9s, this means that the hot water securing function is active, but no temperature sensor has been connected or activated yet.

To correct this error, connect the sensor to the AC•THOR and activate it via the display.

To do this, click on settings (gearwheel symbol), scroll to the item "sensors" and select it.

You will then see the serial number of the connected sensor and its current temperature on the display. Click once on this line. Now the sensor number is displayed to the right of the displayed temperature. This sensor is now active. Finally, save the setting.

TIP: If the optional temperature safeguard is not used, the heat generator has a thermostat and you only want to use excess energy anyway, then the installation of the temperature sensor is not necessary at all!

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