Velog News

High satisfaction in a customer survey

From a total of around 280 participants, almost 95 % of those surveyed gave us a good or even very good result for their general satisfaction with my-PV. This is a value that makes us very happy and proud - thank you very much for this gratifying feedback. The respondents also gave special praise to our consulting expertise (82 %) and friendliness (84 %), which they rated as good or even very good.

And over 50 % would recommend us with the highest satisfaction - that is an exceedingly high value on a 10-point scale!

For this reason, my-PV also receives the certificate "Top Service (DIQP)", which was even awarded with the rating "Very Good" for 2021/2022.

You can read here about the criteria and the evaluation of this certificate at any time.

What we learn from this survey?

Above all, the final question, which can be designed in an open-ended way with a free response option, helps us a great deal to understand the needs and customers and to respond to them. For example, we are continuing to make great efforts to adapt and optimize our my-PV.LIVE data cloud for increased user-friendliness.

At the same time, we have received many comments and ideas. These ideas are not lost, of course, and will be intensively sifted through by our sales and support team and implemented in further optimizations.

Kundenzufriedenheit NL 2

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