my-PV GmbH

my-PV compatible with Belgian digital utility meter

According to the

Flander news report

, 1.8 million new digital meters will be installed by the end of 2022. Being aware of the latter, my-PV developed special solution for Belgium customers and we are excited to share the news that we are now compatible with S211 Single Phase & T211-D Three-phase digital smart meter.

The advantage of such compatibility is that we can now read the information of surplus energy directly from the utility meter in the Belgian houses. As one way to detect the surplus power of your photovoltaic system is by using the

my-PV Power Meter

which is just before your utility power meter, but in this case my-PV Power Meter is not required & by using P1 digital interface device as illustrated in the picture, it can simply be connected to digital utility meter. In the T211-D or S211 digital meter, P1 port is used by the interface device which is connected to Modbus RTU gateway of AC•THOR. In this way by access to P1 port, AC•THOR via interface device reads data & provides info on the surplus energy. The quick commissioning guide can also be found at our

compatibility partner

list ‘

P1 Digital Interface for AC•THOR/AC•THOR9s

’ in various languages.

If you´d love to know more, you can find details of my-PV on

Ma Conso Sous La Loupe

, Belgium website that highlights the solutions that are compatible with the digital meter & homeowners can also claim government subsidy.


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