Velog News

Reference project with Sungrow

It was the customer's desire to use his self generated electricity as much as possible for his four person household. On our recommendation (instead of the originally planned solar thermal system) the domestic hot water heating was implemented with products from my-PV.

On days when the photovoltaic performance is too low and the hot water is not heated enough, the optional hot water backup of AC•THOR 9s can be used. This means that in summer it is no longer necessary to use the heating stove. In addition, during the cold season, the room heating supply is also supported with excess photovoltaic power.

AC•THOR is controlled by Sungrow via the network. All components are connected to the router. At the web interface of my-PV only "Sungrow" has to be set as control type, more has not to be done by my-PV for the communication of the manufacturers.

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