2020_Melinda_Instal_STANDARD_WHITE_LOGO my-PV

New supply source for professional tradespeople in Romania

The romanian market is a strong growing market with strong emphasis on self-consumption. To meet the increasing market demand for photovoltaic heating solutions, we are happy to announce that all my-PV products will be available at MELINDA-IMPEX INSTAL. The company has expertise in the sanitary sector incorporates PV-based heating solutions in its product portfolio. Compatible partners of my-PV like Huawei and Fronius are as well available at MELINDA-IMPEX INSTAL. For the customer this is a particular advantage as there is the possibility to integrate my-PV products in an existing system or in a system in combination with other brands’ devices.

We are happy to have another company as supply source that is sharing the same mindset in terms of offering sustainable and innovative solutions for end users.

Get yourself an overview of all sources of supply here.

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