Single-Family Home – Solarwerkstatt
AC•THOR 9s for precise power modulation with SMA
Facts about the project
- Planner and Installer
- PV System
- System / Operation Mode
- Hot Water Demand / Heat Storage
- Control
Planner's Project Description
"The motivation of our client was to dismantle the old, non-functional thermal solar system and replace it with a modern photovoltaic-based system without any stagnation issues. Maximizing the self-consumption of excess PV yields was a priority for the client, instead of feeding the grid. The goal was to continue to fully utilize the potential of the existing 1,000-liter buffer tank. The photovoltaic heat should be introduced with optimal thermal stratification, without the usual heating rods. For this purpose, an electrothermal hydraulic unit from Tuxhorn was used, which regulates the buffer charging via a speed-controlled pump and integrated temperature difference logic. The AC•THOR 9s from my-PV ensures precise power modulation for the electrical heat generators within. Only then do electric heat generators become suitable for using surplus solar power, as the available yield surplus is constantly changing," emphasizes the planner.
AC•THOR 9s Product Details
0 – 9,000 W continuously adjustable
Maintenance-free with "cables instead of pipes"
Reduces space requirements for building technology
Open system compatible with various inverters, battery systems, and smart homes
Easy installation, user-friendly
Enables affordable living, also in residential buildings
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