New wholesaler in Belgium
end of 2020.
Therefore, the Belgian government shifts in the direction of consuming as much self-generated energy as possible. It gives an opportunity to become energy self-reliant and at the same time contributing to the environment.
Precisely the products from my-PV that focus on self-consumption, for example the
, the
and the
, have witnessed an increase in demand in the Belgian market since the beginning of 2021. The Belgian wholesaler Cebeo is to meet this demand for products that lead to faster payback and higher self-consumption of the photovoltaic system.
The Cebeo company, which is a part of Sonepar, will also distribute a newly developed interface device from my-PV especially for the Belgian market. Through this interface device, my-PV products are directly compatible with the new Fluvius digital meter, giving direct access to detect the surplus PV power.
The instructions for the integration are also already available in Dutch, French.
"We see a lot of potential in the Belgian market. The desire for self-generation & storing the photovoltaic-produced energy in terms of hot water & space heating can easily be implemented," Tallal Butt, Area Sales Manager at my-PV, is convinced.
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