Kompatible Partner News

Positive feedback

The webinar took place on 26 November: A partner webinar with

Solar Manager

, a company focused on the Swiss market and specialized in visualizing the self consumption of photovoltaic electricity. The topic was photovoltaic self consumption with a focus on heat generation, smart plugs and electric mobility.

With over one hundred participants, the webinar was again well attended - the topic met with the interest of the industry. Thanks to the extremely successful visualization on the user interface, the Solar Manager enables quick and easy installation of the my-PV solutions AC•THOR or AC ELWA-E. Installation and continuous performance monitoring is also possible via a clearly arranged and intuitive app.

Among the participants was also SOLARMARKT, one of the largest photovoltaic wholesalers in Switzerland. Since everyone is happy about good feedback, we would like to make this public:

"I think it's fantastic that two big names like Solar Manager and my-PV are joining forces. This gives us and above all the customer a much greater confidence in the products".

Paul Klasa, Product Manager at SOLARMARKT GmbH

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