Velog News

Uninterrupted PV boom in Spain

The sum of the new systems is ten times the current PV level in the country

. Currently, 5.3 GW are in operation. Most of the approved solar systems are in a waiting position in Andalusia (13.9 GW), Castile-Leon (7.9 GW), Castile-La Mancha (7.1 GW) and Extremadura (6.8 GW). Further projects with a total of 50 GW were still in the approval process of the electricity grid operator at the end of August. There was a rejection for systems with a total of 32 GW.

Wind power is also enjoying unbroken popularity in Spain: at the end of August, projects with a capacity of 23.6 GW had a grid access permit but had not yet been installed. They double the level of all wind turbines installed in Spain.

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