210930 Erffnungsevent Fotografenbilder News

We adjust our prices

No matter in which industry, no matter which product: everywhere on the globe there are severe supply problems, resulting in increasing demand for less availability and thus increasing prices. Until now, we have taken on these price increases, which can be as high as 80 % for some components, for our customers ourselves and not charged them further.

However, our prices have remained the same for 7 years, despite all market trends and price fluctuations of the last years and of course different suppliers.

In the meantime, however, the price situation is such that we have to pass on these sometimes enormous increases to our customers in a weakened form. Expressed in figures, the price increase in the recommended retail price across all products is +3.9 %. This change will be reflected in our prices as of January 1st, 2022. Agreed discount rates remain unaffected.

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