210930 Erffnungsevent Fotografenbilder News

Modules in all directions

IBC SOLAR partner my-PV recently showed how this can look visually with its new company building in Neuzeug, Austria. Wherever you look, you will see PV. The modules were provided from none other than IBC SOLAR, of course.

More is more - this is the basic principle when installing PV systems. Accordingly, roofs should always be fully covered. However, our partner my-PV went far beyond the mere installation on the roof of its company headquarters. Thus, the facades of the new company building were also equipped with PV modules - in all directions. Naturally, IBC SOLAR was also involved in the implementation and supplied a total of 304 modules with an output of 335 watts each for the project.

From the module to the building design

In order for PV modules to be installed on the facades of a building, the planning process is somewhat different than normal. Usually, the architect defines window distances between which the PV modules are then placed.

In this case, however, the modules were designated before the rough design so that the "grid dimension" of the building was adapted to the modules. Due to the fact that the dimensions of PV modules have changed in recent years, this was quite a challenge, not only during the initial planning, but right up to implementation. In the end, however, all the effort was really worth it and that can also be seen visually. The self-generated solar power is used in particular for hot water and direct heating for the my-PV company building.

Would you like to find out more about PV modules or the implementation of such systems? Then simply write to us at: info@ibc-solar.com.

If you want to increase your degree of self-use massively with photovoltaic systems and have questions on the topic of hot water and heating with photovoltaic, then please contact our my-PV partner on: markus.gundendorfer@my-pv.com.



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