Velog News

Necessary impulse for the industry

This could avert the market collapse in the coming year feared by the Federal Photovoltaic Austria Association. "The subsidies decided upon are to be understood as a first signal. But in order to achieve the targeted energy turnaround, far greater efforts are needed," stresses industry expert Dr. Gerhard Rimpler. The PV pioneer sees the fixing of subsidies for the next three years as a particular danger. "This means that every next government can sit back and postpone the necessary increase in subsidies for the long term.

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Trois modules photovoltaïques couvrent 50% des besoins en eau chaude.

Avec seulement quelques modules, vous pouvez produire des quantités importantes d'eau chaude – en utilisant SOL•THOR.

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Merry Christmas and a happy New Year 2025

During Christmas, we are taking a short break. Our technical support will be available during the holidays.

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Les nouvelles réglementations sur l'injection d'électricité aux Pays-Bas nécessitent une réflexion.

Un propriétaire néerlandais minimise les frais d'injection en utilisant l'énergie excédentaire de ses panneaux solaires.

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