Kompatible Partner News

Much unused photovoltaic potential

According to the experts of the Aurora Energy Research Institute, Germany could supply itself with electricity from solar and wind energy three times over. With photovoltaics alone, 1,000 terawatt hours per year would be possible by 2040. According to a recent study, a combination of wind and solar energy could produce 1,800 terawatt hours per year - three times the amount of electricity currently required in Germany.

Under the current market conditions, however, this would not be possible because every increase in the share of green electricity lowers electricity prices, which has a negative impact on financing. A draft of the Engergy Watch Group shows a possible solution here. A combined-cycle remuneration of eight cents per kilowatt-hour would make it possible to invest in systemically useful renewable energies. A current project in Hamburg is mentioned as an example of forward-looking investments in sector coupling, i.e. the sensible use of synergies. In a new residential building, the citizens' cooperative EnergieNetz Hamburg and Naturstrom have jointly implemented a sustainable, decentralised energy concept from the very beginning. The heat for the house comes from a block-type thermal power station powered by biogas. The electricity produced by the photovoltaic system on the roofs can be obtained by the tenants in the form of inexpensive rental electricity.

To the reference project

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