ETHERMA und myPV News

AC•THOR 9s – Operation with 3 single-phase heating elements

Our "Support" section offers many practical tips that will help you with the installation and commissioning of our devices.

The load control of 3 single-phase heating elements is a special form of operating mode M1 for hot water.


This is to be clearly distinguished from operating mode M2 "Layer Charging," where load control is switched to another 3-phase consumer using an external opener and a closer!

The following instructions from the operating manual are important:


The regular operation for 3 single-phase heating elements can be set with a single adjustment. Simply switch the "Load Priority" accordingly under "Settings" (gear symbol).

Bon à savoir

Tip: Connect the topmost heating element to the control output OUT-3 of the AC•THOR 9s. If you accidentally did not follow the order, simply switch the consumption plugs. This saves rewiring!

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