ETHERMA und myPV News

Large part of the population support the expansion of photovoltaic and hydropower

This is shown in a joint study by the Alpen-Adria-University of Klagenfurt, WU Wien, Wien Energie and Deloitte. Almost three quarters of the Austrians surveyed have a positive attitude towards the expansion of hydropower. The approval is even stronger for the installation of photovoltaic systems. For the study, more than a thousand people between the ages of 18 and 70 were asked about their attitude towards renewable energies. Two-thirds of those questioned also supported the expansion of wind power, but the approval here is declining compared to a previous study. The authors of the study say that wind power is still well received, but it is no longer as popular as it used to be - especially in the western states.

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Trois modules photovoltaïques couvrent 50% des besoins en eau chaude.

Avec seulement quelques modules, vous pouvez produire des quantités importantes d'eau chaude – en utilisant SOL•THOR.

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Merry Christmas and a happy New Year 2025

During Christmas, we are taking a short break. Our technical support will be available during the holidays.

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Les nouvelles réglementations sur l'injection d'électricité aux Pays-Bas nécessitent une réflexion.

Un propriétaire néerlandais minimise les frais d'injection en utilisant l'énergie excédentaire de ses panneaux solaires.

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