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Your questions answered right away!

What does self-consumption mean and how can I increase it? With which devices can the my-PV photovoltaic heating solutions be combined and what else do I need? Does direct electric heating require less electricity from the grid than a heat pump?

We have collected these and many other questions specifically for our end customers, i.e. private individuals who are looking for a photovoltaic heating solution. The aim is to explain everything about the basic concepts of photovoltaics, but also about more specific topics such as heating rods and our other products, in a simple, clear and easy-to-find manner, and to present them to you in an understandable way.

That is not enough for you? Then feel free to visit our website, where a larger database of technical FAQ questions is available.

It is important that possible obstacles regarding the implementation of a solar-powered house are explained in a technically correct way and without reservation – because the future is electric, namely solar-electric!

Click here for the FAQs.

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Prix de protection du climat pour une maison multifamiliale patrimoniale : Chauffage photovoltaïque dans un bâtiment historique

Une maison de 150 ans, conçue pour être quasi autonome en énergie, a reçu un prix pour la protection du climat.

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Nouveau fournisseur pour les appareils my-PV : le groupe REISSER

Nous sommes heureux d'annoncer que le groupe REISSER est désormais un fournisseur officiel des appareils my-PV.

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Nouveau fournisseur pour les produits my-PV : Richter+Frenzel

Nos solutions solaires électriques sont désormais disponibles chez le grossiste SHK Richter+Frenzel.

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