News about us, our products and our partners
Tre moduli fotovoltaici coprono il 50% dei bisogni di acqua calda.
Con solo alcuni moduli, puoi generare quantità significative di acqua calda - utilizzando SOL•THOR.
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Le nuove normative sull'inserimento in rete nei Paesi Bassi richiedono una riflessione
Un proprietario olandese minimizza le tariffe di alimentazione utilizzando l'energia in eccesso dei pannelli solari.
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SOL•THOR vince il German Design Award 2025
Il DC Power Manager SOL • THOR ha ricevuto il premio German Design Award nella categoria "Eccellente Design del Prodotto".
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Minimizzare i costi di alimentazione nei Paesi Bassi
I Paesi Bassi hanno introdotto una tassa per l'inserimento di elettricità nella rete.
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SOFAR: Nuovo produttore compatibile per my-PV
I nostri prodotti connessi alla rete sono ora compatibili con gli inverter di SOFAR.
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Backup per la pompa di calore: Massimizzazione dell'autoconsumo con AC ELWA 2
Dopo tre fallimenti della loro pompa di calore, i proprietari hanno deciso di installare un elemento riscaldante fotovoltaico
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Nuove funzionalità con il rilascio del firmware per le nostre soluzioni di condizionamento dell'aria.
Il nuovo rilascio del firmware introduce diverse nuove funzionalità per i nostri dispositivi connessi alla rete.
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Fully utilizing electricity from the balcony power plant
Maximize the yield of a balcony power plant with heat generated from PV electricity.
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Compatibile o no: il mio misuratore WiFi my-PV o controllato da un produttore compatibile?
È necessario verificare se è richiesto un my-PV WiFi Meter o se è possibile il controllo da parte di un produttore compatible
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Casa colonica in Bassa Sassonia riscalda l'acqua calda con l'elettricità fotovoltaica
Nonostante il sistema di stoccaggio della batteria, c'è ancora molta energia in eccesso per il riscaldamento fotovoltaico.
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Heating with photovoltaics – sustainable, efficient and cost-saving
As the heating season approaches, many households are searching for cost-efficient and sustainable solutions for heat supply.
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Nuova funzionalità nel my-PV Cloud: controllo flessibile con l'API my-PV
I nostri utenti my-PV Cloud possono ora accedere a una nuova funzionalità: l'API my-PV.
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Hot water from PV electricity instead of gas for football club
A sustainable solution for ATSV Neuzeug: Using surplus photovoltaic electricity from the roof for the club's hot water supply
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Collaboration with Spanish and Italian YouTubers
my-PV has partnered with prominent YouTubers from Spain and Italy to create video content in their native languages.
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Challenges of power grids – and a way out?
The demand for electricity is rising and the power grids have to adapt to entirely new conditions.
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Masonry stove and photovoltaic heat instead of heat pump
The newly built single-family home impresses with its eco-friendly construction and innovative heating technology.
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my-PV products available without delivery time
The expansion of personnel and of our warehouse and production facilities have resulted in our devices being available again.
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Next Step from my-PV: The DC Power Manager SOL•THOR for Photovoltaic Heating
On June 13, in front of over 1,100 participants, we unveiled our Next Step: a DC Power Manager called SOL•THOR.
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€405 Operating Costs for a Solar Electric Company Building
Even in its second full year of operation, the solar-electric building technology from my-PV runs at an unbeatable price!
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my-PV Device Trio Enables 98% Self-Consumption of PV Energy
By integrating an AC ELWA 2 and two AC ELWA-E devices, a homeowner in Estonia achieved a self-consumption rate of 98%.
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Maximum Efficiency: A Single-Family House with system openness
A renovated single-family house in Upper Austria becomes a showcase for system openness.
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Over 70 Compatible Partners for my-PV Products
In line with the principle of system openness and to the benefit of customers, my-PV devices enable integration into systems
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Off-Grid Photovoltaics: How Independent Power Supply Works
How does an independent power supply work with the use of off-grid systems?
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Where is the Device Key for my AC•THOR / AC•THOR 9s?
The Device Key for our products can no longer be found in the assembly manual. Where can you find the Device Key now?
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20% discount on the ELWA
Our self-sufficient heating rod for photovoltaic heat is now available with a 20% discount.
Leggi di più...Mostrati 25 di 230 risultati.
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