We are celebrating my-PV's 400th webinar
The starting signal for this year's anniversary was given eight years ago, when my-PV – as one of the first companies – offered the first webinars due to the market conditions at that time. Over the years, as the awareness and thus the number of participants have increased, so has the frequency and specialization of the webinar content.
Shortly after the beginning of the first lockdown in spring 2020, we were able to celebrate the 150th webinar. In the last 3 years – also due to the global events – we have not only experienced increased demand for webinars, but also for our technical solutions and products. In regard of the sharp rise of energy costs, it is even more profitable to use photovoltaic electricity efficiently for heating purposes.
Anniversary webinar on June 20, 2023
This currently hotly debated issue of energy costs will be the topic of the anniversary webinar that takes place on June 20, 2023 at 4 pm with the title “Become more independent of energy prices with photovoltaic heat”. Energy prices are still increasing
The anniversary webinar “Become more independent of energy prices with photovoltaic heat” will take place on June 20, 2023 from 4:00 p.m. on exactly a topic that is currently being hotly debated. Energy prices are still rising and many end customers (homeowners, tenants, etc.) are only now being passed on the actually increased energy prices by their energy providers. In the webinar on June 20th, you can find out what possibilities there are with increasing self-consumption and what advantages increased self-sufficiency is possible here through photovoltaic heat.
Competition for the 400th my-PV webinar
In the run-up to the anniversary webinar, we held a competition via our newsletter and our social media channels, which attracted a large number of participants. There was a my-PV solar backpack, a my-PV scooter and a my-PV solar power bank to win.
The winners have already been contacted by us and we want to congratulate the winners with the following abbreviations (in the row of prizes above): Martin W., Alexander W. and Hans K.
Thank you for taking part in the competition and we wish the winners a lot of fun with the prizes, sporting activities or wherever! 😊
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