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Donation in kind for the Red Cross market in our home community

Poverty can affect anyone – that's why we support the Red Cross market in Sierning with a donation in these difficult times.

Red Cross Markets are institutions that provide people with low incomes and people at risk of poverty with groceries and everyday goods at a symbolic price. A stroke of fate in the family, a sudden illness or the loss of a job – poverty can affect anyone and there are many reasons why people have to make ends meet on a low income.

That's why we recently donated goods in the worth of 5,000 euros to the Red Cross market in Sierning. “The current boom in photovoltaics has a variety of triggers. Unfortunately, this also includes the effects of the conflict in Ukraine. With the donation of goods, it is possible for us to make our contribution to cushioning the increasing poverty," says Dr. Gerhard Rimpler handing over the goods to the Red Cross market team.

District manager Stephan Schönberger describes the current situation as follows: “The situation in our stores has meanwhile become very demanding and our volunteer employees are doing really great things. Goods as donations, such as those of my-PV GmbH, make it possible, for example, to be able to offer hygiene articles on a continuous basis, which are otherwise absolutely scarce in the Red Cross stores.”

The following people can be seen in the photo above: Our Managing Director Dr. Gerhard Rimpler (2nd from left) handing over the goods to Red Cross employees Rosa Leichtfried (left to right), district manager Stephan Schönberger (2nd from right) and Eveline Martschini (1st from right).

© Michael Nief Fotografie

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