my-pv drohnenvideo zwischenstand firmengebaude

Drone video - progress of the company building

News about our company's construction progress: a new drone video shows that the first PV modules and the windows have already been integrated into the new building

In the short video clip you can see how quickly the lightweight timber construction has given the building the necessary height. As a result, the interior work and the roof and facade work could also be started quickly. In the meantime, the photovoltaic modules have been mounted on the roof and the windows have been installed in the building.

In the next weeks we will start with the exterior design, the construction of the parking lot (of course without sealing the ground) and the facade will be further covered with photovoltaic modules and wooden parts.

A short inventory can be seen here:

my-PV Drohnevideo zwischenstand firmengebaeude

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