Empowering the solar future on a global level
Tallal has been part of the my-PV sales team for over two years. Born in Saudi Arabia, studied in Pakistan and Germany – an exciting path that has led Tallal to my-PV in Upper Austria. In line with this international career, Tallal is responsible for sales and customer support in our foreign markets at my-PV. On the road a lot and always striving to promote the vision of a solar future – a diverse but also demanding task with challenges that were not known from previous markets and countries. Nevertheless, Tallal enjoys his work. He tells more about this in the video.
Solution orientation, flexibility and team spirit characterize our work. Sounds interesting? We are currently looking for motivated and interested colleagues in a number of fields. All information on open positions are on our website: As Tallal mentions in the video, he did not face any language barriers in his job. In contrast, at my-PV we consider every additional language as an opportunity.
With over fourteen nationalities, our team is international and we can already benefit from a large reservoir of different languages in the different departments.
A job in an international team sounds interesting to you? We are looking for new colleagues in three areas. More information on vacancies is available on our website.
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