CT clamps new in our product range
Self-consumption systems are becoming bigger and bigger. For this reason, we have extended our product range to include special sizes of CT clamps for my-PV Power Meter.
What exactly does a CT clamp do?
A CT clamp measures the current flowing through the wire. It is installed around the phase at the grid feed-in point. my-PV Power Meter contains as standard three 60A transformers, which are sometimes too small due to the ever-increasing power of self-consumption systems.
New in our product range:
- CT Clamp 100 A for my-PV Power Meter / 3 pieces in a set for the 3 phases in the house
- CT Clamp 200 A for my-PV Power Meter / 3 pieces in a set for the 3 phases in the house
Instructions for correct commissioning can be found here:
CT clamps settings
my-PV Power Meter Operation Manual
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